8 criteria to choose the ‘good question’
  1. There is only one ‘good question’

    The ‘good question’ is the right one for your group, at that time, in that context. Of course, there is no single "good question" that is valid in absolute terms. Identifying a single question also serves the purpose of not confusing the institution that is called upon to provide answers.
  2. ‘The good question’ should meet the interests and capacities of your youth community

    The ‘good question’ should not necessarily be related to what is most needed but what is most liked. Strategically, you should choose the topic for which the interest of the group of young people is higher. This will help in maintaining heightened attention ensuring that the group manages to monitor until the end.
  3. ‘The good question’ is not just for professionals

    The ‘good question' is one that avoids aspects that are too technical and which require requiring time and energy to study the topic not communicating the question effectively and making the monitoring process accessible only to certain people. A simple question is not necessarily less effective: it will be easier to generate consensus around it.
  4. ‘The good question’ concerns the context in which your group of young people lives

    The ‘good question’ should be about the context in which you live. It will be easier to monitor the relevant response and not become discouraged if results do not come immediately.
  5. ‘The good question’ deals with a narrow topic

    A ‘good question’ should consider the efforts for monitoring a response. Beware of the risk of running out of time or energy. That is why it is always better to choose a question that might be narrower, but allows you to monitor it all the way.
  6. ‘The good question’ implies a response that can be effectively monitored

    The question should be worded in such a way that it can be monitored; i.e., it should be possible to identify specific indicators allowing objective and accurate monitoring of the response. A question that does not permit elaborate indicators risks being abstract, unmeasurable in its impact and difficult (or too simple if we are generic) to implement.
  7. ‘The good question’ requires a real answer; it should not be rhetorical or an

    accusation Beware of ‘fake questions.’ A ‘good question’ should be formulated to activate the other party to react. Rhetorical questions, instead, suggest a specific answer, while accusatory questions aim to point the finger and certainly not to get information.
  8. ‘The good question’ sets a reasonable deadline for the contact

    There should always be enough time to get a response. Whether it is 30 days, 100 days or 365 days, your group should give the decision-makers a proper time period to react to the question.
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